Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Download SHAtter Jailbreak for iPhone / iPod (iOS 4.1) / iPad (iOS 3.2.2) FOREVER [Soon]

Download SHAtter Jailbreak for iPhone / iPod touch (iOS 4.1) and iPad on iOS 3.2.2, This Jailbreak will be FOREVER, Apple will not catch this forever! YES! Forever.
Download SHAtter Jailbreak for iPhone
Download SHAtter Jailbreak for iPod touch
Download SHatter Jailbreak for iPad

Links coming SOON whenever it's READY. 
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7:42 PM by Unknown · 0

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Steve Jobs stopped in Japan for possession of ninja stars !

Steve Jobs and ninja stars are unusual a pairing , but undoubtedly brilliant. According to a news magazine published by the Japanese SPA !, Jobs was stopped Kansai International Airport last July because the metal detector had been activated from his bag . Inside the briefcase were found of ninja stars , a family holiday in memory of Japanese land .

The security personnel prevented boarding Jobs on his private jet with potentially dangerous weapons . SPA ! Jobs said that he reasonably replied , stating that it had no intention to divert his private plane (as blame him ?) and no longer visited Japan.
The story, told by a tabloid , it certainly taken with the tongs , but seems to have been partially confirmed by a source. Takeshi Uno, a spokesman for Kansai Airport , said that a passenger has actually attempted boarding with " shuriken , "or the ninja stars , but it was locked. The spokesman can not disclose the identity of the passenger because of privacy regulations passengers, but said that the star has still had to throw away the unusual souvenirs.
Apple declined to comment about the affair. We propose again to open the image posted by FastCompany, very nice .

3:09 PM by Unknown · 0

Monday, September 13, 2010

A new virus affecting terminal Android !!!

Kaspersky has identified a new virus on one of the most popular smartphone operating systems, IOS competitor: Google Android.

The name of the virus is "Trojan-SMS" and can hit all the terminals with operating system Android. To spread the trojan, the crackers are using Russian-language porn sites that appear in the top results in searches on various engines, once entered, any user, on any platform, are invited to download some content, but as for other file is correct, Android users will be sent the virus.

The trojan is disguised as a media player (called pornplayer.apk) into believing that a file is essential to view porn videos on the site. When installing the player on Android, the user is asked for consent to send SMS messages. If this consent is given (no, the installation is successful) and you start the application, the trojan starts sending SMS to a premium-rate number, the user's knowledge. Imagine that each message costs $ 6!

In short, the Trojans are invading smarpthone too, but at the moment, while we have already seen two Android on IOS, with some experiment expert hacker, we are still safe, especially if you have not done the jailbreak.

6:37 AM by Unknown · 0

The secret of the design of the iPod nano and iPod shuffle

What you see above is a Confidential draft stolen from the labs of Cupertino that gives away the secret behind the design of two very different products, not only New iPod nano but even the shuffle. He laughed, but soon we miss .

And indeed, if split in half old iPod nano, roughly you'll be in his hands the two trinkets : a quadrant by iWatch Imperishable and a shuffle with the click wheel , ie a blow to innovation and the tacit admission that the previous model was half flop.

4:25 AM by Unknown · 0

Office 2011 for Mac will be Released on October 27, 2010

Office 2011 for Mac will be marketed from October 27, 2010 , to reveal it is a French site . Information / indiscretion get directly from Microsoft France, which would let slip during an annual meeting held near Paris this month. So far, the launch date and accurate official had ever been uttered by leaders of Microsoft was a generic "The end of October ".
The upgrade to version 2011 brings a considerable number of new Mac Edition First of all , the introduction of the new interface ( already built into Windows ) . Customers can also now count on Outlook instead of Entourage. The suite will probably 32bit .

3:04 AM by Unknown · 0

Twitter Surpasses 145 Million Registered Users and 300,000 New Users Per Day

Four months ago, Twitter has stated that it reached 105 million registered users, Today Twitter has been exceeded 145 million active user according to Twitter CEO Evan Williams, this reflect that Twitter has surpasses 300,000 new users per day.

As this data shows, while smart phone clients are important, there are even more people who use the mobile Twitter web site and/or SMS. We've been seeing strong growth in both of these areas.
In fact, the smartphone plays a huge role in Twitter's growth as 60% of new Twitter users join via mobile device.

12:46 AM by Unknown · 0

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Game Center is Limited for 500 Friends per Account?

These days, iPhone users are busy playing games and accepting friends on Game Center. But it seems to be crapped at 500 friends per account, I noticed that in my account when I reached 501 friends, it didn't receive friend requests anymore. You have to delete a friend to receive a friend request. That was also noticed by MuscleNerd, the well-known iPhone hacker.

MuscleNerd said:
So much for my not-so-secret plan to break GameCenter! They’re capping my friend count at around 500 (as soon as I delete one, I get one new request)
Basically, once you reach the limit (500 friends), Apple simply stop new requests but requests continues to arrive and get in the queue. Once you delete the 501st friend, you will immediately promoted by a new request that was done before in the queue. You will not be able to add the 502nd and 503rd friends. The question is, Are they told your Game box is full? or Do they think you're ignoring them?

3:15 PM by Unknown · 0

[VIDEO] XWave Headset Lets You Control iPhone Apps With Your BRAIN

Did you know that some ideas for so long remained in the fantasy and science fiction are now taking concrete form : we are very close to creating a hardware interface that lets you use iPhone issuing commands through the thought .

This is the case of PLX XWave headset, a headphone -style audio device that will allow you to send impulses to our iPhone and iPad
iPod Touch , connected via the headphone jack and USB connector. The device will detect the peaks and troughs of concentration of attention , and to translate thoughts into small tasks.
The project would see the light from next November , although it is unclear exactly when the product will be distributed : here the product website you can still pre-order from 1 November (but a warning that comes to availability in 2011 ) for a price that is around $ 100 .
Certainly be attracted to purchase will be more than other researchers (as well as the most devoted fan and I would say even well-off ), but why is not practical to get around having to deal with this in mind whenever you make a volume control iPhone , for now, the most immediate is still that of touch !

Here's a video demonstration :

8:26 AM by Unknown · 0

IOS 4.1 and problems with some USB adapters Car

Many users , on Apple official forum Have complained of problems with the connection to USB adapter after upgrading to firmware 4.1 on iPhone.

 Now connect the device to different USB accessories , multi-brand , to hear the sound of the iPhone in the car, we hear some background noise and interference that is not perceived before upgrading .
At the time Apple has not yet issued any statement on this.

6:11 AM by Unknown · 0

[Video Guide] PSFreedom : the tool available to unlock the PS3 with iPhone 2G/3G

Waiting for tools MuscleNerd , NTAUTHORITY the hacker was able to make a version for iPod Touch 1G , iPhone 2G and 3G iPhone PSFreedom , a useful tool to unlock and do the jailbreak on Playstation 3.

 In order to unlock Openiboot you must install the device , as well as use other programs , both for iPhone and computer .
It is thus the first working tool that uses the iPhone to unlock a Playstation 3.

4:13 AM by Unknown · 0

Saturday, September 11, 2010

September 11 Memorial with Explorer 9 / 11

The association is concerned that U.S. September 11 , helping the families of the victims and not only launched a free application on AppStore dedicated to one of the blackest pages of history of the last century.

 With this application you can make a virtual tour of the Twin Towers, listen to audio and video fragments of the rescuers and witnesses of the event, see many images have a visually augmented reality of the situation pre- September 11th and see a number of historical photos of place .

8:03 AM by Unknown · 0

UniScribe Write notes from any application on iPhone [ Cydia ]

With UniScribe you can write a note on the iPhone even if it is open any other application.

 After installing UniScribe, Just make a swipe on the screen (left or right ) to open the note can then be saved normally .
You are in iBooks and want to take a note ? With Uniscribe you can finally do it without leaving the application !
The app is available on Cydia at the price of $ 1.99 .

7:48 AM by Unknown · 0

[Exclusive] iOS 4.1 Jailbreak Appears in a [Video] !!

BIG NEWS! iOS 4.1 gets a fast jailbreak demo in a video, we don't know the source but 9to5mac could get their hands on the video. According to the video description, iOS 4.1 jailbreak will be released to public very soon for all devices including iPhone 4, iPod touch 4G, and iPad. Here's the full description and the video posted after the jump.

This video shows a demo of the newly announced 4.1 jailbreak. The jailbreak will be released to the public soon. The jailbreak has been conformed working on the iPod Touch 4th Generation (4G), iPad, and the iPhone 4.
The video don't prove anything but it may be true! We already talked before about the iOS 4.1 jailbreak and the exploit (which may be named SHAtter) which p0sixninja and pod2g are working on, Anyway, it's going to go public soon to free all devices forever.

7:37 AM by Unknown · 0

Friday, September 10, 2010

[SHAtter] [UPDATED] New Jailbreak for ALL Existing iOS Devices Forever

According to a new post on the iPhone wiki from the well-know iPhone hacker p0sixninja, reveals some information about the exploit (named SHAtter) discovered by him and pod2g. The information refers to a new bootrom based exploit which will make all current iOS devices always perform the jailbreak forever.

p0sixninja worked a lot for this vulnerability, then pod2g made a process to run the exploit on iOS 4.1 yesterday. SHAtter is the codename source for this exploit, this vulnerability acts on the hardware of the device, so Apple can't close this hole, only on the new devices.

All Apple devices produced before the release of this exploit will be free forever, including the newly released iPod touch 4G and the iPad. The next jailbreak may be tethered (not confirmed yet) which means you have to connect your device to your computer to be able to reboot it.

Anyway Apple loses the fight. As usual, we will keep you informed by any updates about this jailbreak that will frees all devices. [via Twitter]

Update 1: p0sixninja discarded the tweet and deleted SHAtter page from the wiki blog because the information was accidently misleading. Will Strafach updated his post to include more information and facts,
- We have not yet announced if this is tethered or untethered
- We have not yet announced details about the exploit
- Anything you read saying it is one of the above in definite terms is just speculation, again, we have not given official word about the tether status or any details regarding the exploit used.
We will keep updating for more information we get.

4:10 AM by Unknown · 0

Thursday, September 9, 2010

[Video] Speed Test: Google VS. Google Instant

A few hours ago, Google announced its new service "Google Instant", this service is considered as a big improvement which certainly can save you a lot of time searching, but you will feel this speed once you familiarize with its shortcuts.

Lifehacker made a comparison between the regular Google and Google Instant new service, when I heard about Google Instant for the first time, I didn't imagine this enhancement. Lets see the video.
To be fair in this comparison, the typing speed was 240 key presses per minute in the two cases.

6:43 AM by Unknown · 0

Jef Raskin and his relationship with Steve Jobs

Paul Siebel last year published a book entitled Coders at Work. The book is a collection of old interviews with 19 leading figures in the firmament of software development, it is 15-20 pages for each character .
Among the many respondents there is also Jef Raskin, the creator of the Macintosh project at Apple.
The interview talks about back in 1986 and tells the very interesting background on the figure of Steve Jobs in Apple. Here we report the translation of basic steps :
What I suggested was a computer [ the Macintosh ] it was easy to use, that would merge text and graphics and costs about $ 1,000 . Steve Jobs said that it was a crazy idea that would never have sold and did not want anything like that. He tried to close the project.
So I kept away from Jobs and went by the then general manager Mike Markkula talking about my idea in all its details . Fortunately , both the then president Mike Markkula Scott told Jobs to leave me alone .
We managed to build prototypes and even different versions of the Macintosh and its software , and continued buoyant [ ... ] We tried to keep the project away from the interference of Jobs . For the first two years , Jobs had tried to kill the project because he could not understand what it was.
I was amused by a recent article in Newsweek in which he claimed , " I still have some good project in Serbia. " He never had any projects. He has never designed a single product . Woz (Steve Wozniak ) designed the Apple II . Ken Rothmuller Lisa and other projects . My team and I designed the Macintosh. Wendell Sanders designed the Apple III. What Steve Jobs has planned ? Nothing.

5:38 AM by Unknown · 0

iFixit dissects the new iPod shuffle [photo]

It was only a matter of time for engineers iFixit publish their photo gallery on the dissection of the latest
products presented by Apple. This time it's the turn of the smallest : iPod shuffle. We had shown the images in real time with the conference. The design is a clear return to the previous two generations ..
The removal of the outer shell of aluminum took over half an hour because of an adhesive layer placed for further protection . The battery is soldered directly on the logic board : the price to pay when buying a device this small. Battery life , tested by engineers, was measured at 15 hours and the date of manufacture of the product ranges from July 2010 to August 2010.
As usual, the engineers at iFixit conclude their photo- gallery with the list of strengths and weaknesses. The fact that the controller is connected to the logic board through a connector is great for quick repairs. The strength and robustness of the product is excellent due to the absence of moving parts or sensitive as the display. Unfortunately, to open it must inevitably break even because of the use of connectors increasingly thin and fragile . After the jump find the photos removed.

4:33 AM by Unknown · 0

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

[Photos] Unboxed iPod Shuffle 4G

iPod Shuffle 4th-generation was announced a week ago and it started shipments yesterday. Today, someone sent iPod shuffle 4G unboxing images to iLounge on their Flicker account. The device is pretty small, occupying just enough space to hold the shuffle, a charging/sync cable, and a set of standard Apple earphones. At all, it's really amazing.

You may notice in the images that Shuffles made from anodized aluminum; in addition, the shuffle’s orange color has shifted to a more subdued copper tone.
You can check more of the gallery available on Flicker as it continues of 13 awesome photos, from here.
[via iLounge]

7:23 AM by Unknown · 0

Next Jailbreak Will be From H0tB33f not Comex

Well well, the next jailbreak may not come from Comex. Now, p0sixninja confirms that in a tweet, the next jailbreak is not from Comex, it will from an old hacker in the iPhone dev team know as H0tB33f. This hacker started jailbreaking iPhones 5 months ago and he had an untethered jailbreak that time.

@cdevwill what do you mean? We all know the next JB will be from h0tb33fdev
The next jailbreak should follows the iOS 4.1 release today. The embedded video below shows the exploit that H0tB33f used to jailbreak iPhone 5 months ago, it may be the same exploit that will use to jailbreak iOS 4.1. Who knows!
So what do you think about that? Whatever, we will keep yo informed, Stay tuned.

4:42 AM by Unknown · 0

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How to Jailbreak PlayStation 3 / PS3 with Android Phone using PSFreedom [video]

Guys over XDA-Developers have managed to Jailbreak / Hack PlayStation 3with Android Phones including Nexus One and HTC Desire, also Nokia N900 / N800 and Palm Pre on the list. With this hack you’ll be able to create backups of your PS3 games. You’ll have to use Google to find other uses.

You can follow the step by step guide below on your own RISK. We are not responsible if your PS3 or Android Phone got damaged

Following These Steps :

Step 1: Check your device compatibility from here.
Step 2: Download this package and extract it using Winrar.
Step 3: Copy “” and “” to your microSD card and reboot your phone into recovery console.
Step 4: Once you reboot it, flash “” on your phone and reboot it.
Step 5: Use ConnectBot to type the following terminals
cd /mnt/sdcard
insmod psfreedom.ko
Step 6: Now, turn off your PS3, For PS3 Fat Model: switch off from back, For PS3 Slim Model: unplug console from wall.
Step 7: Now connect your Android phone via USB.
Step 8: Turn on your PS3 and press the power button followed by eject button in quick succession.
Step 9: Yeah! Now your PS3 got hacked using an Android phone. You should see “Install Package Files” under Game on the Cross Media Bar (PS3’s UI), this will confirm that your PS3 is now hacked.

Also MuscleNerd is working on Hacking PS3 using a Jailbroken iPhone, Stay tuned for this big one.

8:50 PM by Unknown · 0

TinyUmbrella upgraded with support for iOS 4.1 and other new features

TinyUmbrella, The utility for saving the certificate SHSH , has just been updated with important new features including some of those which we have already spoken this posts . Let's see in detail the changes made with this important upgrade.

The developer failed to implement all the news of which we have spoken, but has nonetheless decided to release the new version as it will be very useful in view of the release of Firmware 4.1, scheduled for this week .
  • Added full support to IOS 4.1;
  • Baseband Protection : performing a restore to 4.1 with TinyUmbrella , the baseband will be preserved and will not be updated to enable users with iPhone locked factory to make the unlock . This feature only applies to iPhone 4, as the upgrade of the baseband is handled differently for this device.
  • The program is now able to capture the appropriate certificates to the device directly from Cydia in a completely automatic , although we have not saved locally, ( you must still have saved on the server Saurik )
  • Edit the hosts file to automatically close the application , so as to direct iTunes to communicate with the server Saurik in subsequent restorations with SHSH saved.
You can download the new version of TinyUmbrella suitable for your operating system from Official Blog.

6:19 PM by Unknown · 0

Replace iTunes 10 Blue Icon With 10 Beautiful Icons

After releasing the iTunes 10 in the last Apple Special Event, with its new undesirable icon, it had widespread objection by most of users. In an earlier post I showed you how to change your iTunes 10 blue icon with old iTunes icon. but today I collected the best 10 replacement icons for the iTunes 10. Let's check!
-Download Toffenut’s iTunes 10 replacement icon, [via toffeenutdesign]

-Download Chris Carlozzi’s iTunes 10 replacement icon 1, [via dribbble]

-Download Chris Carlozzi’s iTunes replacement icon 2, [via dribbble]

-Download TMNT iTunes 10 Replacement, [via dribbble]

-Download MattiasEkstrom’s iTunes 10 revised, [via divantart]

-Download Javier Ocasio’s iTunes X Replacement, [via dribbble]

-Download Dan Wiersema’s iTunes 10 icon, [via dribbble]

-Download Nobtaka’s iTunes 10 icon, [via dribbble]

-Download Andrew Ramos’ New iTunes Icon, [via andrewarmos]

-Download David Lanham’s Flurry iTunes, [via dlanham]
You have to check out, how to change iTunes 10 icon here, then you only have to replace any icon above with the iTunes 10 icon, you have to do this in "Step 4".

3:55 AM by Unknown · 0

How to: Change iTunes 10 Icon with iTunes 9 Icon

Once the release of the iTunes 10 in the last Apple Special Event, a lot of people complaint about the new iTunes 10 blue icon, so today I will show you how to change iTunes 10 icon to the old iTunes 9 icon or any other icon.

Step 1: Go to your "Applications" folder then select iTunes.
Step 2: Right click on "iTunes" then select "Show Package Contents".
Step 3: Go under the "Resources" folder and make a copy of "iTunes.icns" on your desktop (for backup purposes).
Step 4: Replace it with the old iTunes icon, download from here.
Step 5:Restart iTunes, Done.

Now you have replaced your iTunes 10 icon with the old one, I will collect to you some beautiful icons for iTunes 10 very soon, this guide is for Mac users. [via osxdaily]

3:36 AM by Unknown · 0

The Revolution is Coming to Windows Phone 7 [video]

Microsoft has just introduced with the first ad for the upcoming Windows Phone 7 platform. The platform promises with new amazing features, the video below announces with "The Revolution is Coming" to the upcoming Windows Phone 7.

This trailer was shown before the Secret Cinema screening of 'Lawrence of Arabia'. Check it yourself
Microsoft is entering the war. Windows Phone 7 seems to be quite promising for a real revolution. So keep your eyes opened! The revolution is really coming. [via iClarified]

2:56 AM by Unknown · 0

Monday, September 6, 2010

New iPod Touch With 1.0 Megapixel Rear Camera

Here is a brief analysis of this device, it seems that the difference between iPhone 4 and iPod Touch that it has the opportunity to call, Take a closer look reveals that the new iPod Touch also has a different camera.

In the iPod Touch specs in the official Apple page, the rear camera resolution will be 960 x 720 pixels, which mean that it will be 1.0 megapixel. So there will be a big difference between iPhone 4 with 5 megapixel and the new iPod Touch with 1 megapixel camera.

Among other things , the iPod Touch is about two millimeters thinner than the iPhone 4. More than 1 megapixel camera would have certainly taken more thickness, especially considering that the iPod Touch is also included with a front one.

8:18 PM by Unknown · 0

IOS 4.1 HDR Functionality !! [video]

During the Keynote last week, Steve Jobs introduced iOS 4.1, a new function of this software update is the possibility of taking better pictures using HDR, all through the combination of three different images with different exposures , obtained from the shots one after another. These images are then combined using algorithms for a better and cleaner results.


As stated by TechThrow , however, this feature was not implemented as it should because the images seem even worse. Nokia also is working to port this feature , working on the project Open Source FCam.
[pics via razorianfly]

8:09 PM by Unknown · 0

[EXCLUSIVE] [video] Comex has Two Exploits to Jailbreak iOS 4.1 and iOS 4.2

As most of you know, we reported that Comex is working on iOS 4.1 userland jailbreak. We are just two days away from iOS 4.1 and it brings a lot of new features and bug fixes which stimulates people to upgrade to this iOS 4.1. Comex has two exploits for jailbreaking iOS 4.1 and iOS 4.2.

According to yesterday's post, the developer is working on "Userland Jailbreak" on iOS 4.1 for all devices but if the boy failed to do so, we will receive a new tool that acts on the device's bootrom. Let's explain it more..

The userland jailbreak uses an uses a loophole in iOS itself, just the same as his last two tools, Spirit and JailbreakMe. This exploits can be caught by Apple easily and closed in the next iOS upgrade. This method is untethered jailbreak and it's the exploit used in the video below by Geohot.
Unlike userland jailbreak, the second exploit acts on the hardware of the device itself. In brief, Apple can't close this hole as it must change the internal components of the device to protect against the new tool. Apple only can close this hole in the new devices!

In brief, Comex will use the userland jailbreak which uses the exploit on iOS itself to jailbreak iOS 4.1. The second exploit will be used on iOS 4.2 when it's released in November if he didn't fail to jailbreak iOS 4.1. The two exploits were discovered by p0sixninja, one of them used by Geohot to jailbreak iPhone 4. In summary, the jailbreak in one way or another is will be released. Now just wait for iOS 4.1 release in the next two days. We didn't hear anything about unlocking iPhone under iOS 4.1 but Planetbeing may be working on this

10:50 AM by Unknown · 0

Here is the wallpaper and skins Razorianfly. In PREVIEW

Arron Hirst, founder of Razorianfly and Graphic Designer, has created a series of wallpapers specially for the iPhone 4 and its Retina Display. a detailed presentation, preview next wallpaper named ARCNHD.

The first wallpaper was published Folz, June 24.
The second one is called KLARION and was released July 25.

The third series of wallpaper is ZUMOKI, issued August 12.

The newest wallpaper, however, was published last September 4, UBERKIS.

After the success with the first wallpaper, the designer has also launched the iPhone skin for four, affordable versions Folz, KLARION and ZUMOKI. The films are made in material quality, fit perfectly to the device and leave no residue after removal. UBERKIS version will be available beginning September 9.
 You can download the wallpaper, simply click on their name. Moreover they have been specifically designed for iPhone 4 and have a resolution of 640 × 960 pixels, but can also be adapted for other devices with a sync via iTunes. Thanks, and we compliment to Arron for his fantastic wallpaper

9:05 AM by Unknown · 0