Sunday, September 12, 2010

[VIDEO] XWave Headset Lets You Control iPhone Apps With Your BRAIN

Did you know that some ideas for so long remained in the fantasy and science fiction are now taking concrete form : we are very close to creating a hardware interface that lets you use iPhone issuing commands through the thought .

This is the case of PLX XWave headset, a headphone -style audio device that will allow you to send impulses to our iPhone and iPad
iPod Touch , connected via the headphone jack and USB connector. The device will detect the peaks and troughs of concentration of attention , and to translate thoughts into small tasks.
The project would see the light from next November , although it is unclear exactly when the product will be distributed : here the product website you can still pre-order from 1 November (but a warning that comes to availability in 2011 ) for a price that is around $ 100 .
Certainly be attracted to purchase will be more than other researchers (as well as the most devoted fan and I would say even well-off ), but why is not practical to get around having to deal with this in mind whenever you make a volume control iPhone , for now, the most immediate is still that of touch !

Here's a video demonstration :

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