Thursday, September 9, 2010

Jef Raskin and his relationship with Steve Jobs

Paul Siebel last year published a book entitled Coders at Work. The book is a collection of old interviews with 19 leading figures in the firmament of software development, it is 15-20 pages for each character .
Among the many respondents there is also Jef Raskin, the creator of the Macintosh project at Apple.
The interview talks about back in 1986 and tells the very interesting background on the figure of Steve Jobs in Apple. Here we report the translation of basic steps :
What I suggested was a computer [ the Macintosh ] it was easy to use, that would merge text and graphics and costs about $ 1,000 . Steve Jobs said that it was a crazy idea that would never have sold and did not want anything like that. He tried to close the project.
So I kept away from Jobs and went by the then general manager Mike Markkula talking about my idea in all its details . Fortunately , both the then president Mike Markkula Scott told Jobs to leave me alone .
We managed to build prototypes and even different versions of the Macintosh and its software , and continued buoyant [ ... ] We tried to keep the project away from the interference of Jobs . For the first two years , Jobs had tried to kill the project because he could not understand what it was.
I was amused by a recent article in Newsweek in which he claimed , " I still have some good project in Serbia. " He never had any projects. He has never designed a single product . Woz (Steve Wozniak ) designed the Apple II . Ken Rothmuller Lisa and other projects . My team and I designed the Macintosh. Wendell Sanders designed the Apple III. What Steve Jobs has planned ? Nothing.

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