Thursday, September 9, 2010

iFixit dissects the new iPod shuffle [photo]

It was only a matter of time for engineers iFixit publish their photo gallery on the dissection of the latest
products presented by Apple. This time it's the turn of the smallest : iPod shuffle. We had shown the images in real time with the conference. The design is a clear return to the previous two generations ..
The removal of the outer shell of aluminum took over half an hour because of an adhesive layer placed for further protection . The battery is soldered directly on the logic board : the price to pay when buying a device this small. Battery life , tested by engineers, was measured at 15 hours and the date of manufacture of the product ranges from July 2010 to August 2010.
As usual, the engineers at iFixit conclude their photo- gallery with the list of strengths and weaknesses. The fact that the controller is connected to the logic board through a connector is great for quick repairs. The strength and robustness of the product is excellent due to the absence of moving parts or sensitive as the display. Unfortunately, to open it must inevitably break even because of the use of connectors increasingly thin and fragile . After the jump find the photos removed.

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