Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The few stocks iPhone 4 are a risk for Apple

Few stocks iPhone 4 with risk of delaying the launch in some countries , and many people remained unable to find an iPhone by around Europe. This will increase competition?

According to iSuppli think so. All those who wanted to take the iPhone 4 and they failed, they say, especially if new Apple users, could soon change their mind and buy a smartphone different if the device will be available soon.

Another element that could adversely affect sales, said iSuppli, was the answer given by Steve Jobs about the iPhone reception 4 (use it with your right hand ....).

Despite this, three days Apple has sold 1.7 million iPhones 4.
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TinyUmbrella 4 is out supports iOS 4
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iPhone 4 HD Video and LED Light Test - FULL 720p
RecBoot 1.0 : Fix errors 1015, 16xx While Downgrade ios 4 ( Full Guide )

8:59 AM by Unknown · 0

One possible solution to reception problems on the iPhone 4

Now also know as the walls, the iPhone 4 reception problems when you tighten the bottom left. From the USA but come the first possible solutions.

Some users confirm that removing and reinserting the microSIM, no longer have the problems mentioned above. This "fix" has been confirmed by several users contacted by MacRumors.

In practice it seems that the problems are caused by the contacts of the SIM, which does not fit perfectly within the compartment and cause the weakening of the signal.

Personally, I can tell you with my SIM Wind duly cut I've never encountered the problem of loss of signal. This is probably because of chip derives its conformation, different from the last trade SIM (my card back to 2003).

This is also confirmed by others: some have in fact cut the SIM so that the contacts did not happen inside the compartment, and the notches are moved from one to three, as they are missing the problems of signal loss.
We will keep you updated.
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Work 100% How to Downgrade your iPhone from iOS 4 back to 3.1.3 [Video]
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[woooooooow Amazing] follow your facebook friends by twitter
Facebook 3.1.3 has been Released for iPhone and iPod touch
How Facebook Social Plugins Work [video]
Apple Showcase HTML5
How to jailbreak ios 4 on windows by sn0wbreez 1.6 ( 22 pics + video Guide )
FarmVille Now Available in the Appstore for iPhone
Save your SHSH on ios 4 by TinyUmbrella
TinyUmbrella 4 is out supports iOS 4
How to: Jailbreak iOS 4 on iPhone 3GS using Pwangetool [Now Official]
Blacksn0w RC2 to Unlock iOS 4 Released - [The Full Guide]
How to Fix Cannot connect to YouTube on iOS 4
iPhone 4 HD Video and LED Light Test - FULL 720p
RecBoot 1.0 : Fix errors 1015, 16xx While Downgrade ios 4 ( Full Guide )

8:49 AM by Unknown · 0

Dazzling Flashlight: the torch on the iPhone 4 [PREVIEW]

Start fashion Applications "torch" for iPhone 4 and today we show that app will soon be available on AppStore.

Dazzling Flashlight just press a button to turn the LED flash for the iPhone and another 4 off. This allows us to use the iPhone as a torch 4, sparing in terms of battery because we are not forced to use the camera.

6:09 AM by Unknown · 0

Youtube: HTML5 is not sufficient for our needs

HTML5 is becoming increasingly popular, especially in the video on the internet, and this has made me think for a move away from Flash. But if this is possible for some types of content and functions, not for other circumstances that features, for example, Youtube deemed essential.

Youtube does know, in fact, that despite the progress and the lightness of HTML5, Flash continues to play a key role in the distribution of video:

A site like YouTube should provide a good experience not only to viewers but also content creators. This is not just simply point your browser to a component video as it does with the tags for images, find and view the video. The video tag performs the basic issues and is making progress but does not meet all the requirements of a site like YouTube.

Users upload 24 hours of video every minute is important to minimize the formats to be supported, especially when you consider that for each format are offered several versions (360p, 480p, 720p, 1080p). We have movies encoded with the H.264 codec since 2007, using both the Flash Player, and for mobile devices such as iPhone and Android, a start playback of many videos about HTML5 browsers that support 'as H.264 Chrome or Safari.

Concerns regarding specific patents prevented some browsers support the H.264 and this in turn has prevented all'HTML5 have a standard format. We believe that the web needs a standard option for free, a format that not only solves the concerns with the licenses but that is also optimized to serve web video.

Flash remains irreplaceable at the moment for some functions such as running Encapsulation and embedding of videos in several sites, or simply to play videos in full screen.

6:06 AM by Unknown · 0

iPad iOS 4 Out time

Announcing the iOS 4 by Steve Jobs, said he had availability for the iPhone in June and during the fall for the iPad.
Since then, many people are looking to have the launch date on this iOS 4 iPad, given the features it offers!
Recently, information has been unveiled to advertisers as what DST, Apple's advertising platform would not be operational before November iPad on ... What makes one believe that the OS come out on the aircraft at the same time.
Of course, one could also imagine that iOS 4 will be available several days before DST.
The iPhone has been the iOS4 June 21 when the first advertisements will be shown only on July 1 ...
Note :
When apple releases the iOS 4 for iPad you will find it Automaticly Here
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RecBoot 1.0 : Fix errors 1015, 16xx While Downgrade ios 4 ( Full Guide )

5:56 AM by Unknown · 0

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Nokia N8. What will you do with it?

While football fever grips the world this summer, Nokia shows you one of the greatest matches ever played off the pitch. The tricks these star players perform can only be seen on a foosball table. Check out the score in the behind the scenes video or the highlight clips of the best tricks in slow motion to see how impressive they really are.
In this exclusive preview the Nokia N8 is showcased by hand freestyler Max Vlassenko.
The new Nokia N8. What will you do with it?
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RecBoot 1.0 : Fix errors 1015, 16xx While Downgrade ios 4 ( Full Guide )

7:34 PM by Unknown · 0

[redsn0w has been updated] Latest redsn0w should fix any APN/MMS 0.9.5b5-5

Tutorial to downgrading iTunes 9.2 to 9.1.1 ( windows - Mac )

Tutorial to downgrading iTunes 9.2 to 9.1.1 (PC version)

  1. Back up your iTunes library. Go to c:\My Documents\My Music\iTunes and copy the entire folder to a separate location
  2. Download iTunes 9.1.1 from here 
  3. Uninstall the following 6 programs : iTunes 9.2, iPhone Configuration, Apple Mobile Device Support, Apple Application Support, Apple Software Update, Quicktime (Make sure you uninstall this)
  4. After uninstall all six items, reboot your PC
  5. Now open file explorer, go to c:\My Documents\My Music\iTunes and locate the file name iTunes Library.itl, rename it to iTunes Library.itl.bak (this is your backup)
  6. Still inside iTunes folder, look for the folder Previous iTunes Libraries, inside the library there are a number back up itl files with the dates as their names. Look for the latest file before you updated iTunes to 9.2, and copy that file to the c:\My Documents\My Music\iTunes folder.
  7. Rename that file as iTunes Library.itl
  8. Double click you iTunes 9.1.1 installation file and let it install. Once it’s completed, you should find your iTunes exactly as it was before.
  9. Keep that iTunes Backup folder somewhere, you will thank me for this later.

Tutorial to downgrade iTunes 9.2 to 9.1.1 (Mac Version) 

  1. Download the old iTunes 9.1.1 DMG file here.
  2. Quit iTunes (if running)
  3. Kill the iTunes helper process (using Applications -> Utilities -> Activity Monitor)
  4. Launch Terminal app (you can search Spotlight if you don’t know where it is)
  5. Type the following in Terminal prompt (Be very careful with this step, this could cause your system to malfunction if not properly done.
  • % sudo mv /Applications/iTunes /Applications/tmpTunes
  • % sudo mv ~/Library/iTunes ~/Library/tmpTunes
  • % cd /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/
  • % sudo mv MobileDevice.framework/ tmpMobileDevice.framework
A safer way to do this is to use the Finder to move these folders. You should be able to find these folders easily :

/Applications/iTunes is the actual app,
Right click and select Show Package Contents, and copy all the files to a new temporary folder called iTunesBackup, then simply rename the App to iTunesOld and drag the App icon into the iTunesBackup folder as well.
Same with the /Library/iTunes folders, create a new folder within iTunesBackup/Library_iTunes/ and move all the files to there :
  • MobileDevice.framework should be located at /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework, move those contents to a newly-created folder called iTunesBackup/Frameworks/
If anything goes wrong you can always revert back to the old files.

  5. Go to the folders /Library or /System/Library to see if there’s any other iTunes files, if so, move to the temp folder as well. Make sure you have separate sub-folders inside the Temp folder, just in case you forget where the original files are from. (There shouldn’t be any files in these two folders anyways, but just in case)
  6. Now move the entire folder from ~user/Library/iTunes to the iTunesBackup/UserLibrary/. (Again, create this folder yourself)
  7. Go into ~user/Music/iTunes and copy the entire folder to iTunesBackup/MusicLibrary/. (Also, a new folder)
  8. Still inside /Music/iTunes, delete the file iTunes Library 
  9. Go into ~user/Music/iTunes/Previous iTunes Libraries and locate the latest file prior to your recent update to iTunes 9.2. (There is a date in the name for the library files). If you updated iTunes on June 22, then look for a file named iTunes Library 2010-06-21 or the latest date you can find prior to 2010-06-22.
  10. Copy this file to /Music/iTunes and rename it as iTunes Library (so, just delete the date portion of the file name)
  11. Double click the iTunes 9.1.1 DMG file you downloaded earlier to install
  12. If it says there’s already an iTunes app with a newer version, go into iTunesBackup folder and delete the iTunesOld app
  13. That’s it.

2:00 PM by Unknown · 1

All iTunes versions

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[iphone games] Ronaldo Soccerade Freestyle 2010

It's the moment all mobile gamers and football fans have been waiting for: Cristiano Ronaldo is finally ready to make his official iPhone debut. Find out more here

The world's most expensive footballer stars as himself in the Ronaldo Soccerade Freestyle 2010 app which charts the Real Madrid superstar's rise from the beaches of Madeira to playing in the top leagues of Europe.

The game play features motion capture graphics which perfectly recreate the moves which Ronaldo has become famous for, with players trying to hit the correct marks in time as they appear on the screen in order to complete the levels.

The app is available to buy from the iTunes App store for £1.19 ($1.99), and will soon be released on the Android & Symbian marketplaces too.

This official Ronaldo app is produced by Soccerade, the official energy drink of Cristiano Ronaldo, and by, the £80m star's new and official online home, and designed by X11 Apps, a London-based mobile technology studio with a focus on game and business applications development.

As well as trying to complete the game, users of the app will also be able to access the latest status updates and videos of Ronaldo, uploaded to his official TalentNation/Soccerade locker, without ever leaving the app.

The app will use OpenFeint software which means that gamers will be able to compete against players from around the world on a global leaderboard and post their high scores to their social networking website.
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TinyUmbrella 4 is out supports iOS 4
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RecBoot 1.0 : Fix errors 1015, 16xx While Downgrade ios 4 ( Full Guide )

12:21 PM by Unknown · 0

iOS 4.0.1 will be Released Soon, Save SHSH before it's too Late!

Apple is about to push their new firmware iOS 4.0.1, This is according to AppleInsider which posted that iOS 4.0.1 is coming on Monday to fix some issues and bugs found by iPhone 4 users. This update basically may be hardware only and no Software update!

This is your Last change to Save SHSH before Apple pushes iOS 4.0.1 so for All iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPod touch 2G/3G Owners using iOS 4, You have to Save SHSH before it's too late, I already posted guide how to save SHSH of iOS 4 using TinyUmbrella posted below:
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Save your SHSH on ios 4 by TinyUmbrella
TinyUmbrella 4 is out supports iOS 4
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iPhone 4 HD Video and LED Light Test - FULL 720p
RecBoot 1.0 : Fix errors 1015, 16xx While Downgrade ios 4 ( Full Guide )

10:21 AM by Unknown · 0

How to: Save SHSH Blobs (ECID SHSH) of iOS 4 [Windows & Mac]

As I told you that TinyUmbrella has been Updated to support iOS 4 but I didn't post the guide, So Here's a guide to Save SHSH Blob on iOS 4 as you saved it on iPhone 3.1.3 and iPad 3.2 but was Using AutoSHSH and Umbrella Firmware. Follow the step by step Guide below..
ECID SHSH is a unique signature which is checked against Apple servers whenever you decide to restore the firmware on any of your Device. Once a new firmware is released, Apple stops signing the older firmware, hence making it impossible to restore back to the older firmware from iTunes.
And Why Should I Save SHSH Blobs?
By Using a SHSH blob, you can downgrade or restore back to the older firmware. This is important because if you don’t have your SHSH blob saved, and accidently update to new firmware, you’ll loose your jailbreak and furthermore, you wont be able to downgrade back to older firmware to re-jailbreak your device.
Step 1: Download TinyUmbrella V4.00.06 (Mac / Windows / Linux)
Step 2: Make sure you are running iTunes on your Device.
Step 3: Now Connect your Device to Computer via USB
Step 4: Launch TinyUmbrella and Click on Save SHSH, Now your SHSH blob will be saved on Cydia Server by default or on your computer if you have chosen to.
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TinyUmbrella 4 is out supports iOS 4
How to: Jailbreak iOS 4 on iPhone 3GS using Pwangetool [Now Official]
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iPhone 4 HD Video and LED Light Test - FULL 720p
RecBoot 1.0 : Fix errors 1015, 16xx While Downgrade ios 4 ( Full Guide )

10:18 AM by Unknown · 0

Congratulations, iPhone 4 has been Jailbroken

MuscleNerd, Planetbeing, p0sixninja, and chpwn in help of Comex, All are back again to kick iPhone 4 with Jailbreak, it seems like "userland" Jailbreak taken from the newly Spirit Jailbreak tool update. They All posted some news on their twitter accounts, You can find full details after the jump..@planetbeing on his twitter account:
Think I’m the first one I know about to get a root shell (and SSH) on iPhone 4, using poor @comex’s code (since he has no iPhone 4)
@MuscleNerd on his twitter account has posted tweets showing screenshot of jailbroken iPhone 4:
Congrats to @comex for another userland JB <– hi-res Cydia via @planetbeing & @chpwn iPhone4s

@MuscleNerd another Screenshoot:
Obligatory full root shell screenshot on iPhone4: Thanks to new @comex userland JB

Oh, Even Jailbreak will be available soon but Unlock will not, Because iPhone 4 uses a new baseband which require rewrite of Ultrasn0w so Don't expect Unlock Soon!
The DevTeam and others have been checking through the iPhone 4, and have noticed the baseband runs a completely different OS than on previous models. The iPhone 3G and 3G[S] both ran Nucleus OS on the PMB8878 baseband CPU (aka XGold 608), where the iPhone 2G ran the PMB8876 (aka S-Gold 2). iPhone 4 uses the PMB9800, or X-Gold 618 – running a separate OS – ThreadX, an RTOS by ExpressLogic.
@p0sixninja answering a person telling him that Jailbreak can't be released in this shape due to some of Apple’s proprietary code that found in the iPhone 4:

@i_Enthusiast the jailbreak shown is a more of a stepping stone for us, it can’t be released because it includes some of apples software
@planetbeing also told that it can't be released soon:
Don’t want to speak for @comex, but afaik no one has breathed a word about release date and what we have right now is nowhere ready.
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TinyUmbrella 4 is out supports iOS 4
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iPhone 4 HD Video and LED Light Test - FULL 720p
RecBoot 1.0 : Fix errors 1015, 16xx While Downgrade ios 4 ( Full Guide )

10:00 AM by Unknown · 0

The Aralon: Sword and Shadow - a preview of this RPG for iPhone

Crescent Moon Games, even before you start development on Ravensword, title RPG now available on AppStore, had declared to be at work on another RPG: Aralon: Sword and Shadow. Aralon born from the idea of two developers and the passion for RPGs. What was missing in the project, however, was a true artist able to create polygonal models and animations thick. Thus, assessed the potential Aralon, Crescent Moon Games has decided to support the project, Mark Jones, in order to create a full title and attractive in terms of graphics.
The screen immediately below graph represents the level of the game before Jones set to work, while the subsequent images, witness the current state of work. The screens are taken directly from viewing the game on display Retina iPhone 4G.
The title has not been reviewed only in terms of graphics. In fact, more items were added and now Aralon can count on more than 30 hours of gameplay in a fantasy world where each player to explore the world around him. To stand out above all the atmosphere from the screen where the graphic detail is certainly appreciated next to the colors and real lives.
Aralon: Sword and Shadow is scheduled for next Fall, and if developers really be able to complete the work promised, we will have our hands a deep and complex RPG. 
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[woooooooow Amazing] follow your facebook friends by twitter
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How Facebook Social Plugins Work [video]
Apple Showcase HTML5
How to jailbreak ios 4 on windows by sn0wbreez 1.6 ( 22 pics + video Guide )
FarmVille Now Available in the Appstore for iPhone
Save your SHSH on ios 4 by TinyUmbrella
TinyUmbrella 4 is out supports iOS 4
How to: Jailbreak iOS 4 on iPhone 3GS using Pwangetool [Now Official]
Blacksn0w RC2 to Unlock iOS 4 Released - [The Full Guide]
How to Fix Cannot connect to YouTube on iOS 4
iPhone 4 HD Video and LED Light Test - FULL 720p
RecBoot 1.0 : Fix errors 1015, 16xx While Downgrade ios 4 ( Full Guide )

7:41 AM by Unknown · 0

InvisibleSHIELD Dry install - iPhone 4 [video]

MyWi support soon IOS 4

Monday, June 28, 2010

BeejiveIM Updated for iOS 4 and iPhone 4

BeeJiveIM has been updated to support iOS 4 and iPhone 4.
Stay connected to all your instant messaging buddies anywhere you go! BeejiveIM (pronounced \bē-hīv\ IM) keeps you in touch with your friends on AIM/MobileMe, MSN/Windows Live, Yahoo!, GoogleTalk, Facebook, MySpace, ICQ and Jabber... all at the same time, all on your iPhone or iPod Touch.
BeejiveIM Key Features:
- BeejiveIM uses your existing data plan: no per-message charges.
- Reliable and efficient networking: be connected 24/7, and it's gentle on your battery.
- Be connected even after you close the application. Get notified instantly when you get a new message with Push Notifications.
- Works with multiple IM networks, multiple accounts per network: AIM/iChat, MSN, Yahoo!, GoogleTalk, Facebook IM, ICQ, Jabber, and MySpace IM.
- Send and receive files, including pictures and voice notes. View and forward received documents.
- Desktop-like instant messaging with all of your IM buddies from a single intuitive user interface.
What's New In This Version:
- iOS 4.0 compatibility. Background support for iOS 4.0 devices.
- iPhone 4 compatibility. Enhanced image resolution for Retina Display.
- Bug fixes.
You can purchase BeejiveIM with Push from the App Store for $9.99.

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TinyUmbrella 4 is out supports iOS 4
How to: Jailbreak iOS 4 on iPhone 3GS using Pwangetool [Now Official]
Blacksn0w RC2 to Unlock iOS 4 Released - [The Full Guide]
How to Fix Cannot connect to YouTube on iOS 4
iPhone 4 HD Video and LED Light Test - FULL 720p
RecBoot 1.0 : Fix errors 1015, 16xx While Downgrade ios 4 ( Full Guide )

6:56 PM by Unknown · 0

Kingklick has released an update to KiNgxKxNexus Desire2Nexus v1.10

Kingklick has released an update to KiNgxKxNexus Desire2Nexus v1.10.Now at version 1.10.

Version 1.1
- HUGE speed inscrease
- Rebased off the latest unreleased leak
- First boot is VERY fast, watch
- Now using King Kernel #7!
* Undervolted
* Overclock support
* Check changelog for kernel #7 for full details
- Storing dalvik cache in /cache *thank paul for this*
- Optional a2sd is included!
- Updated my a2sd script – enter kinga2sd into terminal and either reboot your phone or it will reboot automatically
- Optimized!
- Aligning on each boot
- Clean first boot
- Updated ramdisk
- Huge APN list
- HTC camera updated
- Camera flash is 100% spot on
- Updated radio to froyo radio!
- Updated wireless tether
- Updated wired tether
- Updated Google Maps
- Trackball modifications updated
- Added more tools such as resize2fs, flash_image, etc
- Added dropbear functionality back in *thank paul for this*
- Added ssh functionality
- More I will add as usual
for dowanloads & more information ------> Kingklick’s AndroidSPIN Developer Homepage

5:52 PM by Unknown · 0

iWork for iPhone : more clues!

After the picture appeared on the official site and showing Keynote on the iPhone, then promptly removed from Apple, you have new clue to the possibility of seeing the iWork suite on the iPhone.
 Going on some Apple Store online and ordered the iPhone, then you have access to various options and accessories booked, among which there is Apple Care. Just select Apple Care, and clicking "More", you have access to the screen that you see in other shows and software support provided by the Apple Care.
 Among the various outstanding items as "iWork". In short, two clues are evidence?Recall that iWork is a suite "Office" of Apple.
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How to jailbreak ios 4 on windows by sn0wbreez 1.6 ( 22 pics + video Guide )

FarmVille Now Available in the Appstore for iPhone

Save your SHSH on ios 4 by TinyUmbrella

TinyUmbrella 4 is out supports iOS 4

How to: Jailbreak iOS 4 on iPhone 3GS using Pwangetool [Now Official]

Blacksn0w RC2 to Unlock iOS 4 Released - [The Full Guide]

How to Fix Cannot connect to YouTube on iOS 4

iPhone 4 HD Video and LED Light Test - FULL 720p

RecBoot 1.0 : Fix errors 1015, 16xx While Downgrade ios 4 ( Full Guide )


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