Monday, July 5, 2010

MacBook Touch: he concept!

ADR Studio, the concept of the iPhone after 4 and after submitting the iWatch, engages hours in making the new MacBook Touch.
 "It 's a common opinion that Apple is focusing its efforts, at least at this stage, its touch devices like iPhone and iPad. Many feel a need for a new Mac that will embody the new course of the last jewels of Cupertino. Since design.
Imagine a computer with an aesthetic similar to the new iPhone 4: black, finished with glass and aluminum, elegant.
Think of a Mac with a full-touch device removable color, which is also a small monitor spy and remote control.
Think with a detachable keyboard-without wires, the same that we use on our iMac, so you can save not only in production but also with the ability to choose the layout for our country.
What you are thinking about is the new MacBook Touch. "

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