Sunday, July 25, 2010

HP ready to launch a new smartphone with WebOS to compete with iPhone? [RUMOR]

According to some rumors it seems that HP acquired after Palm, is creating some new devices that will be direct competitors of Android and the iPhone 4. The plans of the company there is the will to become somewhat more similar to Apple, selling high quality terminals in which hardware platform to integrate software WebOS, precisely a result of the acquisition of Palm.
 The operation would be more difficult than expected because of the historic partnership that links HP Microsoft. It is difficult for the company to maintain good relations with the Redmond, which were further strengthened in recent years, while trying to reach the new goals set during the year.
In January, before the launch dell'iPad, HP climbed on stage during the presentation of the slate PCs, a move clearly designed to attack in advance and once the new Apple device. Then after shipping dell'iPad, HP plans have changed and all ongoing projects on the slate have been canceled or simply left on standby. In all likelihood the company is aware of the impending acquisition of Palm, has preferred to suspend work on a product that certainly could have given the best with the new WebOS.
Despite the repeated denials by Mark Hurd, CEO of HP, the company continues strangely not included in the list of companies licensed to use the new Windows 7 Phone and this would suggest a position quite clear that separates the house from the next generations of its Windows Mobile smartphones to work out their own solution based devices WebOS.
Certainly promises an interesting scenario for both HP could offer a competitive offer in the market for smartphones, is that Apple could find themselves before yet another 'iPhone-killer.

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