Monday, July 26, 2010

how to enable tethering on the iPhone and jailbroken 4.0.1 firmware.[Vodafone]

In this guide we see how to enable tethering on the iPhone and jailbroken 4.0.1 firmware.
Here are the steps to follow: 
1. download the patch from this link; 
2. download carrier changed this link; 
3. copy the file DEB iPhone 4.0.1 update via SSH and run the command
dpkg-i-ccp401_1.1 2_wortel.deb 

4. riiavviare the iPhone; 
5. copy the downloaded iPhone carrier.plist in / System / Library / Carrier Bundles / Vodafone_it.bundle 
6. do a new restart 
Now with Vodafone enabled tethering.

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