Saturday, July 17, 2010

Nokia: "We, unlike Apple have always given priority to receive even penalizing the design

Was to be expected. The first to comment on the words of Steve Jobs after waiting press conference today that could not be his bitter "enemy": Nokia. Of course all bets are statements criticizing the policy of Apple and its choices.
 The sense of their criticism is based on a simple fact, namely that Nokia over the years has always given priority to receive their phones, even if sometimes it meant penalizing design. It 'obvious that this policy do not match at all with that of "we cook the cake and we eat it too" philosophy repeated again today by Steve Jobs himself. When told that the reception problem is to resize the iPhone because it occurs only when the phone is tightened in an unnatural way (plausible, according to Jobs, in a test only receive targeted, such as those made by all these 22 days) Nokia says that they, unlike all other manufacturers of smartphones, have made their research on how long users are holding their phones in order to position the antenna for best results. This Apple has never done, and not have a point.
 These are the official statements made by Nokia a few hours ago:
"The antenna design is a sensitive issue on which Nokia has never missed any point. For decades, producing phones with better reception and as you know we have produced hundreds of models. Nokia was the true pioneer of the internal antennas, the Nokia 8810, launched in 1998, was the first commercial phone with this feature. The first antenna without visible!
Nokia has invested thousands of hours of their employees to study human behavior in relation to mobile phones, including the way in which people holding a phone to call, listen to music, surfing and so on. There gonna hear this, but a company like ours, has always focused on Connecting People, gives absolute priority to the antenna performance compared to the beauty of design.
In general, the antenna performance of a mobile device fall dramatically every time you squeeze the phone with a grip a little tighter than normal. It is precisely for this reason that Nokia phones and plan designs to ensure optimal performance in all cases of real life, such as holding the phone with one hand and then with the other. "

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