Thursday, July 15, 2010

Google Me Do threatens the throne of "Facebook"

Revealed media reports that Google Inc. Internet search giant is currently working to establish a site for social networking site to compete with the "Facebook" on behalf of "Google Me".  
 The blog "Tech Crunch" on technology to "Google Games" is working in cooperation with "Zenga" to launch a social site huge as the "Google Me", as Google has invested 100 million to 200 million in the "Zenga" manufactured Games electronic.

The Google deal confirmed the investment, noting that "the largest strategic project" is still under preparation, however, the parties committed themselves to silence on what the project or the health of the reports transmitted from the new social networking site.
The senior technicians in the "Facebook" earlier Kevin Rose said during the past few weeks that Google works on the development of social position, a competitor for the "Facebook".
In the view of many experts that the "Google" already have a number of features of social network in other products such as "Google Profile" service "Paz," but they do not have combines these services with each other, so that the social network a real sense that is customary at "Vis Facebook "and" MySpace. "
And Google launched the service Paz "Buzz" recently in an attempt to enter the world of social networks most popular "Facebook" and "Twitter", which enables service users to share with your friends messages and Internet links and images quickly and directly from within their e-mail of the Google "G miles ".
Company has also launched several new products designed to make the new social networking features suitable for mobile devices such as smart phones that rely on the driver "Android's" Google workers.

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