Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Apple seen as a kind of new religion by its users?

The journal New Media & Society is an article that appeared on some market researchers describing Apple as a new religion. Steve Jobs would be seen as the Pope can make strong their "faithful".
Apple has become very famous and powerful in the world market, we all learned. Indeed, some market researchers believe Apple is seen as a new religion, where Steve Jobs is the Pope, can encourage and make strong the "loyal" customers.According to the thought of Heidi Campbell, all Apple-Fans trust almost blindly to all products marked with the Big Apple, even if they could show some failure to use (surely this means the iPhone antenna case 4). IPad is the iPhone that would be more objects of religious worship and are not considered as a simple cell phone or tablet.Going back in time, Steve is also seen as a Messiah, first fired and then returned, bringing the company on the path to success.Again you can not miss the "bad" situation, the devil. In the past Microsoft was considered the fiercest competitor trying to beat Apple, but now entered a new stage character, the giant Google.
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