Thursday, August 19, 2010

Facebook is updated with some new features and bug fixes | AppStore [VERSION 3.2.1]

Facebook, the official application of the famous social network, has just been updated to version 3.2, introducing some new features and some bug fixes. With this update in particular is introduced support for Places, a first for Facebook made a few hours ago. Let's see the changelog together with all the changes.
Places of introduction, the new Facebook feature that allows you to see where are our friends and share our position, a little 'how geolocation Twitter. Unfortunately, as you can see from the screenshot.
* Ability to change privacy settings for each status update
* Added the ability to upload photos and video in the background, taking advantage of Multitasking iOS4
* Fixed a delay when commenting on a post or publish a status update
* Fixed some bugs in the view of the fluidity of the notes and Nela Dashboard
Facebook is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad, requires firmware 3.0 or later and is localized in other languages.
UPDATE 1: According to some comments it seems that the upgrade problems with the connection ports to your account. I personally have not had any problems either on the iPhone 4 (JB) nor on iPad (JB).
UPDATE 2: It 'was released a new update on AppStore for addressing the problems encountered by users, now the application should work without any problems.

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