Tuesday, August 24, 2010

EXCLUSIVE: Apple Bumper May Damage Your iPhone 4

Since iPhone 4 released, we heard about the Apple's reception issue, which Apple tried to solve it with a free Bumper, today Razianfly reported the damage occurred to his iPhone 4 device after using the Bumper. He removed the bumper after some days of usage, and he got surprised!

After he removed the bumper from his iPhone 4 device he spotted some pretty insane scuffs and marks on the iPhone 4's aluminum band. He connected with the customer service to handle this bad issue. Apple replied :
“Myself and my other colleagues have never heard this before.”
Here's another picture shows the damaged part
Apple finally replaced his iPhone 4 device with a new one without any questions, so please if you owned an iPhone 4 device and use the bumper, please remove it and check iPhone 4's aluminum band if it is damaged or not, if this happened, please contact Apple immediately and they will replace it with a new device without any questions! Hah, tell me if you got a one..

2 Responses to “EXCLUSIVE: Apple Bumper May Damage Your iPhone 4”

Anonymous said...
August 24, 2010 at 8:54 PM

I have bumper installed and so far nothing...........
By looking the picture I think the problem was the water get inside between metal and bumper.
That's not a Bumper problem is user fault and he got lucky to get the exchange.

JAY said...
August 24, 2010 at 10:23 PM

I have noticed those scuffs mark and thought I was responsible for it, but I been using the Apple bumper! Will contact Apple tomoorrow!

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