Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Download iTunes 10.2 for Windows and Mac


6:37 AM by Unknown · 0

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Download SHAtter Jailbreak for iPhone / iPod (iOS 4.1) / iPad (iOS 3.2.2) FOREVER [Soon]

Download SHAtter Jailbreak for iPhone / iPod touch (iOS 4.1) and iPad on iOS 3.2.2, This Jailbreak will be FOREVER, Apple will not catch this forever! YES! Forever.
Download SHAtter Jailbreak for iPhone
Download SHAtter Jailbreak for iPod touch
Download SHatter Jailbreak for iPad

Links coming SOON whenever it's READY. 
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7:42 PM by Unknown · 0

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Steve Jobs stopped in Japan for possession of ninja stars !

Steve Jobs and ninja stars are unusual a pairing , but undoubtedly brilliant. According to a news magazine published by the Japanese SPA !, Jobs was stopped Kansai International Airport last July because the metal detector had been activated from his bag . Inside the briefcase were found of ninja stars , a family holiday in memory of Japanese land .

The security personnel prevented boarding Jobs on his private jet with potentially dangerous weapons . SPA ! Jobs said that he reasonably replied , stating that it had no intention to divert his private plane (as blame him ?) and no longer visited Japan.
The story, told by a tabloid , it certainly taken with the tongs , but seems to have been partially confirmed by a source. Takeshi Uno, a spokesman for Kansai Airport , said that a passenger has actually attempted boarding with " shuriken , "or the ninja stars , but it was locked. The spokesman can not disclose the identity of the passenger because of privacy regulations passengers, but said that the star has still had to throw away the unusual souvenirs.
Apple declined to comment about the affair. We propose again to open the image posted by FastCompany, very nice .

3:09 PM by Unknown · 0

Monday, September 13, 2010

A new virus affecting terminal Android !!!

Kaspersky has identified a new virus on one of the most popular smartphone operating systems, IOS competitor: Google Android.

The name of the virus is "Trojan-SMS" and can hit all the terminals with operating system Android. To spread the trojan, the crackers are using Russian-language porn sites that appear in the top results in searches on various engines, once entered, any user, on any platform, are invited to download some content, but as for other file is correct, Android users will be sent the virus.

The trojan is disguised as a media player (called pornplayer.apk) into believing that a file is essential to view porn videos on the site. When installing the player on Android, the user is asked for consent to send SMS messages. If this consent is given (no, the installation is successful) and you start the application, the trojan starts sending SMS to a premium-rate number, the user's knowledge. Imagine that each message costs $ 6!

In short, the Trojans are invading smarpthone too, but at the moment, while we have already seen two Android on IOS, with some experiment expert hacker, we are still safe, especially if you have not done the jailbreak.

6:37 AM by Unknown · 0

The secret of the design of the iPod nano and iPod shuffle

What you see above is a Confidential draft stolen from the labs of Cupertino that gives away the secret behind the design of two very different products, not only New iPod nano but even the shuffle. He laughed, but soon we miss .

And indeed, if split in half old iPod nano, roughly you'll be in his hands the two trinkets : a quadrant by iWatch Imperishable and a shuffle with the click wheel , ie a blow to innovation and the tacit admission that the previous model was half flop.

4:25 AM by Unknown · 0

Office 2011 for Mac will be Released on October 27, 2010

Office 2011 for Mac will be marketed from October 27, 2010 , to reveal it is a French site . Information / indiscretion get directly from Microsoft France, which would let slip during an annual meeting held near Paris this month. So far, the launch date and accurate official had ever been uttered by leaders of Microsoft was a generic "The end of October ".
The upgrade to version 2011 brings a considerable number of new Mac Edition First of all , the introduction of the new interface ( already built into Windows ) . Customers can also now count on Outlook instead of Entourage. The suite will probably 32bit .

3:04 AM by Unknown · 0

Twitter Surpasses 145 Million Registered Users and 300,000 New Users Per Day

Four months ago, Twitter has stated that it reached 105 million registered users, Today Twitter has been exceeded 145 million active user according to Twitter CEO Evan Williams, this reflect that Twitter has surpasses 300,000 new users per day.

As this data shows, while smart phone clients are important, there are even more people who use the mobile Twitter web site and/or SMS. We've been seeing strong growth in both of these areas.
In fact, the smartphone plays a huge role in Twitter's growth as 60% of new Twitter users join via mobile device.

12:46 AM by Unknown · 0